Love Ukraine stories
Find out more about the difference Love Your Neighbour Hubs are making on the ground, as well as our latest national news and updates.
Emmaus Road, Guilford
Emmaus Road launched a Ukraine Support Hub which is open twice a week and so far welcomes 60 refugees to each session.
Love Ukraine: One year on
A year after the war broke out, we take a look at the work of Love Ukraine for families, and individuals, fleeing the conflict.
Pattern Church, Swindon
In Swindon, Pattern Church launched The Table - a weekly dinner for Ukrainians arriving in Swindon and the surrounding area.
Holy Trinity Brompton, London
Around 250 Ukrainians attend a weekly drop-in café, with a food bank, toiletries, games and crafts for children.
Destiny Church, Glasgow
In Glasgow, Destiny Church is providing lunch for their Ukrainian guests, as well as access to their Community Grocer and Café.