Our partners

Love Your Neighbour is based in churches and works with local partners - schools, businesses, local authorities, charities and other faith groups - embedded in local communities across the UK.


Partner with us

If you’re interested in partnering with Love Your Neighbour, please contact us by completing the simple form below.

  • love-your-neighbour-ourpartners-resurgo

    St Nicholas Bristol partners with Resurgo

    At St Nicks we have a lot of young adults and students and we have been shocked at the recent unemployment figures from this demographic as a result of the pandemic.

    When we heard about the Re-Work course we were really excited about the opportunity to offer some practical help for those looking for work. The course is designed to equip anyone who is struggling to find work as a result of the pandemic, with the skills, mindset and confidence they need to re-enter the workplace.

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